Friday, March 14, 2008


OK, I am several weeks behind. Maybe it is too late to catch up. Maybe it is too crazy to even try but I'm going to give it a try.

Creating a Bloglines account was quite simple, especially since I apparently already had one. I don't remember setting one up but when I tried to create it they informed me there was already an account with my email address. So I requested my password and it arrived within a matter of seconds.

I have been using Feeds option in IE to keep up with the dozen or so blogs I try to keep tabs on. On a couple of occassions when I've used a computer at another location, I've wished I had those feeds available. Bloglines will be a great way to have access anywhere.

The main reason I like feeds is that it helps me remember all the sites I am interested in. The other thing is that I don't have to waste my time visiting sites that don't update very often.

About half of the blogs I keep up with are done by friends or family. What a great way to keep up with their busy lives and it's a great way to share pics. The other half are either library related, book related, knitting related, or some combination of all three.